VTAD Week 2025:
Start planning today! Vermont Advance Directive Week: April 13-19 | National Health Care Decisions Day: April 16
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For adults with chronic illness or those seeking to give more specific information about their values and health care preferences.
In addition to appointing a health care agent, you can provide detailed information about what matters most to you in the event of a health crisis, serious illness or injury. Completing an advance directive with treatment preferences will help guide your health care agent(s), family, friends and care providers at a time of critical illness or injury.
Often, decisions about the right course of treatment are straightforward and easy to make. But, many decisions are not so easy. Sometimes there are several options, each with different potential risks and benefits, but none is clearly “best.” In these cases, the right course of treatment is the one that is right for you, taking into account your personal goals and priorities.
For your form to be legally recognized in Vermont, you must sign in the presence of two witnesses. Once completed:
You can change your mind at any time. Just update your document by completing a new form and give the new signed and witnessed copies to your agent, your health care provider, your local hospital, and any friends/family you wish. If your document is registered with the Vermont Advance Directive Registry, you should also send a new copy to them with a VADR Administrative Form.