VTAD Week 2025:
Start planning today! Vermont Advance Directive Week: April 13-19 | National Health Care Decisions Day: April 16
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The Vermont Advance Directive Registry (VADR) is a secure online database where Vermonters can submit copies of their completed advance directive documents to be accessed by authorized health care facilities and providers when needed. Hospitals in Vermont are required to check the VADR for a copy of your advance directive if you arrive at the hospital and cannot speak for yourself.
Create your account and add your document online with user upload, or send your document to the Vermont Ethics Network via mail, fax, or email and we will register your directive for you.
Already registered? Make updates to contact information, upload a new advance directive, or request a replacement wallet ID card online, or via email/phone/mail request.
Vermont hospitals are required to have access to the VADR, but other health care professionals and Vermont funeral homes should have access too.
Ready to register? Online user upload is available! Create your account and upload your document from your home computer.
User UploadIf you had registered your advance directive in the past, you already have an online account. Learn how to update your account, make changes to your advance directive and reset your account access if needed.
Access your VADR Account »Registering your directive is optional, but signing and witnessing is required to complete your advance directive. These are legal documents that your health care team is required to follow to the best of their ability, which means proper completion is important.
Completing Vermont Advance Directives »Notifications