VTAD Week 2025:
Start planning today! Vermont Advance Directive Week: April 13-19 | National Health Care Decisions Day: April 16
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Anecdotally and from news reports, it seems that religion has been undergoing a revival in recent weeks. Faced with mandatory vaccination against Covid-19, students and employees, notoriously including health care workers, have appealed to religion as grounds for exemption.
Read ArticleWe need the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Read ArticlePresented by Seton Hall University's Interprofessional Health Sciences Library. The COVID Ethics Series relies on the idea that challenging ethical issues are best addressed by many folks, from diverse backgrounds, practically reasoning together. Each week Professor Bryan Pilkington is joined by a panel of leading experts from medicine, nursing, and the health sciences, as well as political theorists, economists, ethicists, philosophers and lawyers for a conversation about ethical issues which have arisen or intensified due to the pandemic. The COVID Ethics Series is generously co-sponsored by IHS Student Life and IHS Library.
Listen NowSeptember 10, 2021: The Hastings Center
Read ArticleAs the Covid-19 pandemic continues to strain health systems’ capacity to provide adequate care for critically ill patients, should patients’ vaccination status be considered in making triage decisions? This question sparked debate recently after the leak of an internal memo of the North Texas Mass Critical Care Guideline Task Force, which provides triage guidelines for regional hospitals, that proposed using patients’ Covid-19 vaccination status as a factor to assign intensive care beds. The task force has since clarified that it was not intended as policy but for internal discussion between the task force and physician representatives of the regional hospitals.
Read ArticleAugust 31, 2021: The Hastings Center
Read ArticleLast week, Texas health care policymakers discussed taking vaccination status into account for Covid triage. It’s a larger conversation ethicists are bracing for.
Read ArticleThe Covid-19 pandemic has stretched health care resources to the breaking point, particularly the mechanical and human resources essential to intensive care. Although Covid-19 continues to inflict utter havoc and compound pre-existing poverty, inequality, and disparities in much of the world, in many areas of the United States we find ourselves slowly recovering from a relatively unprecedented resource nadir, cautiously re-approaching a tentative sense of normalcy with respect to health care operations.
Read ArticleApril 19, 2021: The Hastings Center
Read ArticleMarch 5, 2021: The Hastings Center
Read ArticleFebruary 25, 2021: The Hastings Center
Read ArticleJanuary 26, 2021: The Hastings Center
Read ArticleCOVID denial, anti-masking, and vaccine refusal entered our world, and everything changed.
Read ArticleIn 2021, the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated healthcare worker burnout and the prospects for next year are bleak unless C-suite executives act.
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