VTAD Week 2025:
Start planning today! Vermont Advance Directive Week: April 13-19 | National Health Care Decisions Day: April 16
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Vermonters signing up for the Vermont Advance Directive Registry (VADR) can now directly upload a PDF copy of their advance directives when making updates to their existing account. Click here to make your account today!
If you would like to upload a new advance directive to your existing account, you can easily add your replacement document without any additional paperwork. To make an update using user upload, log in to your account and select ‘Upload or Replace My Documents’. You will then be prompted through the upload process and receive a confirmation email when your upload is complete.
Mail, email and fax submission options are still available, but will now be received at the Vermont Ethics Network in Montpelier, Vermont instead of Westfield, New Jersey. If you are submitting your document via mail, fax, or email, you must continue to include the VADR Registration Agreement/Authorization to Change form with your submission.
Documents sent to the Westfield, New Jersey address or to the prior submission email or fax number are still being received and will be processed as usual. More information about this change is available below.
If you are not able to use the user upload process above for any reason, there are updated options to mail, fax or email your submission for registration.
The Vermont Advance Directive Registry (VADR) is hosted by the US Advance Care Plan Registry and is free for all Vermonters thanks to funding through the Vermont Department of Health. Due to rapidly increasing registrations and to reduce carbon emissions caused by paper mail, customer service is now provided by the Vermont Ethics Network from our office in Montpelier, Vermont.
Phone or email requests for account support or new advance directive paperwork are now being received at 1-802-828-2909 or VADRSupport@vtethicsnetwork.org .
If you are submitting your document via mail, fax, or email, you must also include a signed and completed VADR Registration Agreement/Authorization to Change form. This form can also be requested via mail by calling 1-802-828-2909.
Our goal is to expand access to the VADR services, maintain quality customer service, and speed up the registration process for Vermonters who wish to use mail, fax or email to submit their advance directives.
Documents sent to the New Jersey address or to the prior submission email or fax number are still being received and will be processed as usual. If you have sent your document to the New Jersey address, you may experience a slight delay in receiving your confirmation letter via mail.
To decrease the environmental impact of paper mailings, the VADR will only be sending annual reminders via email. If you wish to continue receiving annual reminders about your VADR account, please log in and add your email address.
If you are looking for support with registering your directive, updating your account, correcting account information, or general questions about advance directives, please call the Vermont Ethics Network at 1-802-828-2909 or send an email to VADRSupport@vtethicsnetwork.org.
If you are experiencing an error message in your account, please call 1-888-548-9455 or email support@usacpr.com for technical support.
If you are a provider looking to obtain a copy of a patient’s advance directive, please call 1-888-548-9455 and select option 1 for providers, or email support@usacpr.com with your request.
Throughout the months of July and August, we will be offering live webinar sessions about these changes to the Vermont Advance Directive Registry. We will walk through the process of uploading your own document, how to find the right form for you, check on your account status and more!
VADR Informational Webinars: For All Vermonters
We are also offering separate sessions for health care providers, attorneys and other professionals who assist Vermonters with completing advance directives. If you are an advance care planning volunteer, care coordinator, authorized user of the registry or would like to know how to become an authorized user, this is also the session for you.
VADR Informational Webinars: For Health Professionals and Volunteers
All sessions will be recorded and recordings will be posted to the VEN website in the week following the session. Please join and ask us your questions!